SMERemediumCap Ltd is an Investment Manager authorized by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission on 19/4/2021 with license number AIFM40/56/2013 to operate as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager in the form of a limited liability company by shares as provided for in Part II of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law of 2013.
As per the Alternative Investment Managers Act 56 (I) of 2013 (and all following amendments) SMERemediumCap Limited engages in the investment management functions of Portfolio Management and Risk Management when managing an Alternative Investment Fund.
SMERemediumCap is also authorised to provide auxiliary services, marketing and distribution services and fiduciary duties of an authorised AIFM.
The AIFM's Business Strategy Focus (Investment Management (Section 7(2) of the AIFM Law, and as per the guidelines on reporting obligations under Articles 3(3)(d) and 24(1), (2) and (4) of the EU AIFMD), is to aim to manage Funds following the Private Equity Fund strategy.
Predominantly, as per the expertise of the Board of the Company and its management staff, the AIFM will aim to manage funds following the below exact strategy categories:
• PEQF Private Equity strategies VENT_CAPL Venture Capital
• PEQF Private Equity strategies MULT_ PEQF Multi-strategy private equity fund
• PEQF Private equity strategies OTHR_ PEQF Other private equity fund strategy